Call for Justice-Impacted Speakers and Panelists
This year, the afternoon sessions at the 2024 PA CHEP Annual Meeting will be entirely led by justice-impacted individuals. We are actively seeking presenters, workshop leaders, and panelists to share their experiences and insights on issues important to the justice-impacted community.
Voices from those with lived experiences are essential to shaping the conversation around higher education in prisons. We are looking for those who can offer perspectives on challenges like accessing education, reentry experiences, and other critical topics.
Even those who do not wish to present are still welcome to submit suggestions for topics that they believe should be covered. We seek to ensure that the content of these sessions is driven by the experiences and concerns of those directly impacted by the justice system.
Participants will have travel costs reimbursed and will receive a modest stipend in appreciation of their contributions. For those interested in presenting or providing topic ideas, please contact Alex Maco at
Please also feel free to share this opportunity with other justice-impacted individuals who might be interested.